April 13 - Palm Sunday; April 18 -Stations of the Cross @ 6PM; & April 20 - Easter.
April 13 - Palm Sunday; April 18 -Stations of the Cross @ 6PM; & April 20 - Easter.
Delmarva Teen Challenge
In June 2015, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church adopted “Delmarva Teen Challenge, HOME OF HOPE” as our major outreach project. Teen Challenge has for several years operated a facility in Seaford for the rehabilitation of adult men. They have purchased for renovation and use as a women’s facility, a former private school property on Rifle Range Rd—right on our doorstep! To help themselves, Teen Challenge has recently opened a mega thrift store in Seaford.
As a parish, we continue our generous donations of good salable items for the thrift store such as clothing, furniture, appliances, large and small toys, tools, jewelry, knick knacks and household items, such as books—and even cars, trucks and campers. Arrangements can be made to pick up large items. You can bring items to church or call and we will pick-up.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
St. Mary’s ECW is very active in various outreach and church related projects. Currently ECW outreach programs are the Uniform Closet, Adult Clothes, Camp Arrowhead, Coffee hour, Court Yard Project, Educational Fund Fire Co., Altar Flowers (Easter & Christmas), Food Pantries, Group Home, Home of the Brave, Library, Seamen’s Center, Stockley, Teen Challenge, UTO, and Women’s VA.
In May 2017, ECW implemented the Free Bag Lunch outreach program once a month (3rd Saturday of every month). Our volunteers delivers lunch bags to folks at home who are unable to travel and those that walk-in, have the option to eat in or bring home. We give thanks to all our women who support ECW faithfully.
Food Pantry
This is a collection of food which we give to the following on a rotating basis: Home of the Brave for Women, Union Methodist Church. Place non-perishable food or canned goods in the little red wagon located in the parish hall or at the collection point behind the church. All donations will be delivered to the local food pantries. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Group Home
A group of people visit the Bridgeville Group home once a month. They usually start with a prayer & have a sing along. We are doing a lot of crafts. The residents receive a gift bag with snacks & small gifts if we don’t do a craft. We also bring refreshments for the residents to enjoy.
Home of the Brave (HOB)
The Home of the Brave Foundation was established to furnish food, transitional housing, and counseling to veterans of the Armed Forces of the USA. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Women (ECW) support the new home for Women in Milford.
St. Mary’s congregation donates food and paper products every third month from our monthly food collection for the needy. The articles are then delivered to HOB in Milford.
United Thank Offering (UTO)
The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. Envelopes are handed out twice a year at St. Mary's (March & November) and donations is mailed to the Episcopal Church UTO coordinator.
VA Project
The purpose of the Delaware Veterans Home in Milford, Delaware is to provide outstanding long-term care services to Delaware Veterans that uphold dignity wile sustaining and improving their quality of life.St. Mary’s Episcopal Church purpose is to add, in some small measure, to the care and comfort of those veterans with whom we come in contact. We have so far held several events, one of them being “Tea” for the ladies. The women of St. Mary’s provided corsages and hats for each lady, as well as personal gifts they could use. We plan to do this each year as the feed-back was very gratifying from the staff and residents.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
2 N William St, Bridgeville, Delaware 19933, United States
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